Challenges in Urban Parking

Challenges in Urban Parking

Parking in urban areas has long been a problem for municipal governments, city planners, and citizens. Challenges in Urban Parking arise as cities throughout the world are under unprecedented pressure to fit more automobiles in…

Advance Parking for Profit

Advance Parking for Profit

The book Advance Parking for Profit looks at how companies might use cutting-edge parking technologies to increase sales. From intelligent sensors and data analytics to dynamic pricing and automated payment systems, Advance Parking for Profit…

downtown houston parking

City of Houston Parking Tips

City of Houston Parking Tips. Houston Parking Management believes parking should be safe and convenient. By following these tips from their website, you can park safely and avoid a parking citation. Read signs carefully. When…

downtown houston parking

The Secrets of Cheap Downtown Houston Parking

Cheap downtown Houston Parking. Have you ever been searching for downtown Houston parking but found yourself unable to find anything that costs under $20 an hour? "It's crazy! It's too hectic," claim Houston residents. Well,…

houston museum of natural science

Houston Museum of Natural Science

Houston Museum of Natural Science. The Houston Museum of Natural Science is a science museum on the northern part of Hermann Park in Houston. Its main features are a dinosaur hall and other permanent exhibits.…